
Is Furniture Alive?

I’m pretty sure like the sock monster, this mythical creature does in fact exist. It’s either that or furniture comes alive when you aren’t looking and moves.
I expect you’re wondering what I’m on about? Though I expect some of you readers are sitting there nodding your little noggin having guessed. Still clueless? Why reader, I’m on about bashing into furniture. The corner of a table, bedside stand, the bed etc. Those pieces of furniture you know exactly where they are yet somehow manage to bash yourself on.

I think little gremlins crawls out and secretly move such mentioned furniture and then giggle when you bash into them and more than likely if you’re me, say a few choice words afterwards then wonder how in the blooming hell you knocked into it. Or as I’ve already said, the furniture all get together at night when you’re fast asleep and hold secret meetings, maybe they hve a point scheme and score a set amount of points if you can get a human to hit certain parts? Though what sort of prize you’d get being a piece of furniture I don’t know.

I have no idea but all I do know is I’m pretty sure furniture moves when you aren’t looking and like ninjas attack you!!! Beware of furniture.

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