blog, Mental Health

What is Stress?

In the UK, it’s Stress Awareness Month. I thought now would be a good time to share my writings and thoughts on this subject.

As lives get busier, working day longer and less time to spend with loved ones, it’s understandable we all will at some point in life have to deal with stress. We all have our own coping mechanics and at the start will ignore stress by putting the symptoms down to something else and plodding along until we reach breaking point and by then stress reveals itself and can become something more than just the one thing. Apparently stress in small doses is good for us but a lot of stress as we all know is definitely not.

I’m writing this after a “breakdown” as I call it, at work resulting in tears, being angry and a colleague looking at me in shock at my open display. How have I let myself get to the point of openly crying in front of a colleague? The answer is simply… I’ve had enough of hiding in the loos and breaking down then pulling myself together and heading back into the lab then acting like normal. I’ve not long been back from a month off with stress, and I’m been trying to plod along again with the symptoms returning. Having emergency leave denied was the final straw for me along with talking to another member of staff about them having their leave denied on stupid reasons.

So what are the symptoms of stress? The symptoms are similar, and in many cases exactly the same as anxiety. In fact, stress much like anxiety affects all parts of our bodies ranging from emotional, physical and psychological.

Some include: Feeling bad about yourself (low self-esteem), lonely, worthless, and depressed, stomach cramps and upset, Frequent colds and infections, Loss of sexual desire and/or ability to Exhibiting more nervous behaviors, such as nail biting, fidgeting, and pacing, Insomnia, Forgetfulness.

There are some good websites available and apps to help you deal with stress. It’s a case of finding which works for you, me? Nothing other than being away from my workplace seems to work for me. Ultimately, seeing your GP, speaking to Work manager (in my case nothing has resolved from this one nor did I have welfare check whilst off for a month) is the best route to go.

The NHS offer some good advise, information about stress and links for self help.

There are so many apps out there, it’s a case of finding which one works for you. I can not recommend any myself as I’ve yet to find one that works. Though I can recommend getting a vw camper and going camping just to get away from it all (other vehicles and tents are available).

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