
The Sock Monster (Part One)

Let’s set the scene: You put clothes into the washing machine, making sure that socks go into it with their partner. You take the washing out, hang it up (either via clothes horse or if you’re a really lucky lucky person on a clothes line in a garden), only to discover to your shock horror – there’s a blooming sock or two missing and you have now ended up with yet another odd sock. Yes ok it may look funky to have odd socks but what happened to its original partner? – Someone call The Sock Police, we have a MISSOC (my alternative for a missing sock – similar to missing person aka MISPER)!!!

Option 1) Is the MISSOC due to the well known sock monster? What does this monster look like, and have there been any sightings of this monster? Perhaps its a cute shy little thing that lives in a tiny compartment of the washing machine, like the one below in mine? Or is it a mean ugly thing that smells and this is why your washing machine may on the odd occasion clog up. Is there a misfit of the sock monster?

Option 2) Is the MISSOC due to the socks having a big argument and the other sock deciding that’s it……im not being teamed up with that sock ever again and therefore I shall reappear magically in next 3-4 washing loads time… after you have created a wonderful funky odd sock match and forgotten all about me being lost! Where does this sock go? Does it go on an epic adventure?

Who knows reader, all I know is its damn annoying this missoc business!

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