blog, Food

Choc Choc Chocolate

That wonderful sugary brown stuff that melts in your mouth, which comes in many different guises such as a hot one, a cold milky one, on top of things (ooh er), in things (not so er) or wrapped – yes reader I haven’t gone smutty though it could read that way if you engage that dirty mind, but I’m actually on about chocolate.

A sweet wondrous thing that some women will suddenly crave before that annoying monthly period, something that brings pleasure to those who like it (those who don’t are weirdos :-p) or aren’t allergic.

Have you ever tried dog chocolate? I’ll say this one thing – dont. It’s horrid, yes I tried, surely it’s a must when you have a dog? Just to try and see if it’s any different? I can’t describe the taste except its really quite disgusting. In fact reader I dare you to try some and see for yourself.

Body chocolate:
This is another disgusting thing or at least the Ann Summers’ one is. It wasn’t used for the purpose it should of been (things were very boring in the bedroom department with the ex). It was brought as a present from a friend – we used to buy each other cheeky little things for crimbo as a joke. Anyways I tried it – spread a bit on the hand…..yep it’s pretty horrid. Actually the taste was not dissimilar to doggie chocolate thinking about it.

Why does chocolate cause us to be happy when we eat it? (dons lab coat and pretends to be little miss I know science, when in fact I googled but translated it): Basically – It contains stuff like theobromine and phenethylamine (big science words), that have physiological effects on the body. These cause serotonin levels in the brain to rise and so your mood increases to one called happiness (albeit only for a brief time). There are various health benefits but I’ll let you google those (cant do all the work for you).

All in all, chocolate is pretty good for you. It increases your mood along with other benefits, and apparently can be used as a bit of fun 😉 of course everything has a downside which is spots that are always bound to appear a couple of days after eating loads. Oh and don’t forget to try doggie chocolate!!

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