blog, Coffee


As the milk pours in and mixes with the hot fluid, you breathe in, take a long sip and out erupts a hmmmmm from your lips and suddenly you feel alive…..

Some people hate the stuff, I love the stuff. The smell of coffee is one of those nice smells and instantly makes you want one. At work we have horrid instant stuff but it’s the only hot beverage that is actually tastes drinkable (we now have a filter coffee machine that only my team seem to use). The tea is awful no matter what tea bag you try. Must be the water!

At home however I hve a wonderful machine. A nespresso! Some maybe thinking “a what now?” If I said those adverts with George Clooney (who is not good looking in anyway shape or form – imo of course), you’ll know exactly what I’m on about I’m sure.

I’ve kinda gotten into this coffee making lark. Nespresso bring out 3 limited edition flavours round crimbo time so I always try to get those either via their website or that auction site known as eBay (where some people try to charge astronomical prices for the capsules). Anyway, you buy the machine (in my case receive it as a gift), buy the capsules. They arrive, you open the box to discover there’s decaf included! Decaf?!? Wtf, really what is the point in decaf coffee (or tea for that matter)? May as well not drink the stuff at all tbh if you have to get decaf! Oops I went into a rant there.

You try the coffee – lovely. Next stage is buying accessories such as mugs. Which reminds me I need to order some slightly bigger ones. Now you’ve brought the mugs and think oh the coffee looks good in these, you’ll then start looking at syrups.

I’ve brought a few syrups, there’s some blooming lovely ones like cinnamon, but oh dear there’s some really rank ones like creme brûlée. Oh total yucky yuck!! Of course once you’ll experimented and gotten the syrup amount right, you’ll move onto the next stage.

Cocoa powder:
The next stage is of course the cocoa powder topping. You know you’re taking coffee seriously when you hit this point. You’ll get the cocoa powder sprinkler and then you’ll eventually get stencils (unless you’re a clever smarty pants and can do those fancy patterns without the aid of a stencil).

What’s next?
I’ve recently discovered that nespresso have a website that has….recipes!!! Omg, is this the next stage, though I don’t think I’m quite ready for the next step as I never have anyone round to taste the amazing coffee I’ve made (imo of course) and go wow when they see the cocoa powder on top.

since this blog which was originally posted in 2013, I’ve ditched the nespresso and gone for a proper filter coffee maker. Why? Well the nespresso capsules are too expensive and I love all the different flavoured coffees you can buy so felt the nespresso was restricting. I buy my filter coffee from fresco, a uk shop up in West Yorkshire who also sell tea and hot chocolate. Here’s their site if you want a look:

I still use all the syrups and stencils, I’ve also brought a little milk frother. I be tried using soya milk, actually I love using the alpro coconut milk. Can heat it in the microwave as well, put it in for 30secs. At 15secs remove, give it a stir and put it back in for the remaining 15.

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